Friday, July 26, 2013

Birth Excitement

This morning I woke with an excitement for birth! As this baby woke up and rolled around, possibly stretching slowly and then kicking me really hard, I became excited to see his beautiful face. I got real excited to hold him for the first time and bask in his presence. I love birth! As hard as it is and as painful as it can be, I love every moment of it because its mine and I own it! I am solely responsible for each and every moment of my birth and the experience I have. I choose my labor environment, those included in my special space, my labor positions, my prayers and my breaths. I choose my birthing place, what is most comfortable to push in, I feel my baby coming into the world inch by inch with my hands, and I catch my baby on my own (or with the help of my birth warrior husband). No one steals my experience from me with drugs or options of intervention. No one uses scare tactics to their ease and comfort. Everyone trusts that I was created for this and that my body will do exactly what it is designed to do in the time it is meant to happen. It's a celebration of bringing forth life! I adore this season of life and will be sad when it is over for me. I am also eagerly awaiting my rest! I am excited to have my husband home to care for our older children for three weeks so I can rest, heal, and bond with our precious new blessing. I will be sticking with our rule of three weeks in bed and three weeks around the house! This being our fourth baby, I want to make sure I don't have any complications later in life! I like my bladder continence! The dust bunnies will wait on me and be there when i am ready to pay them a visit! (of course i will gladly accept a cleaning person or someone coming to visit and cleaning while here!) So despite waking several times with hands and feet that cramped and fell asleep last night, I am joyfully enjoying these weeks of talking to our baby and feeling his movements and awaiting his perfect birthday! No one wants him here more than I but I am willing to wait until the day The Lord has made for his entrance into this world--my world!

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