Today I find myself saddened and discouraged by the state and mentality of our society. It makes me so sad that women are facing anti-feminism in the feminist movement and there aren't Godly elders pouring into young women to combat this deception. It saddens me that despite having almost 4 children, I bear no real credibility for my ministry. True feminism is chasing after God's heart cry for women! That is, He created the first woman and named her through Adam, Eve! That very name means "mother of all living." There is a distinct reason for her name! She set the standard for all women to come: to be wives and mothers; to mother her own and mother the motherless. Her standard was to serve selflessly as a living sacrifice to those around her giving up a life of luxury for a life of true love only found at the cross. Titus 2 reiterates this when it states the standards for women in church: loving and speaking of their husbands with high regard and being chaste keepers of their home. Never was it said to travel the world, seek the highest paying job possible, or to give up the things of the Kingdom in pursuit of the world. Why then are we allowing the deceiver, who comes to steal, kill, and destroy, to rob us of great blessing and cast unBiblical judgement upon those who follow their God path in life? Why are we always seeking to prove ourselves as wives and mothers? Why do we allow the people who seek to discredit us stay at home mamas to control us and convince us we are not good enough? I have no idea! I do know I am tired of being told my children will never respect me because I don't seek the world, that I gave up the best in life by having children, that if something were to happen to my husband I would be worthless. Thank God I have wonderful women around me who prove daily in their lives and through their children that these are lies spewed out of flaming tongues. I see children who adore their mothers and are living beautiful lives of ministry and servant hood because of their mother's dedication to her family, not to the degrees, jobs, and money the world has to offer. My children are THE MOST amazing thing I could ever accomplish. Nothing even comes close. The world will be there when my children are grown, despite the fact I have no real desire to travel the world. Honestly, thank you for the concern of what I would do if my husband were killed but that seems like a very personal matter! I pray my husband lives a long healthy life and speak those prayers and blessings over him daily. As a man who honors his mother and father, I am proud to speak the blessing of a long life over him! Life insurance is a great thing, just in case. Before speaking about being a wife and mother, there are several things you should do: first, actually be one! It's astounding to me that people speak against something they have no experience with! Second, seek the Divine and perfectly cohesive Word of God, which nothing shall be added to or taken from. Know your Father's heart before you speak for Him. Last, remind yourself that we should never be discouraging someone from the call on their lives and path they follow SO AS LONG AS it is directed by The Lord in His intrinsic Word. When your life lines up with God's will, no matter what others may say or do, you shall not be moved!
My heart is also burdened for the weakened state of women and men in today's world. Women, you were created by a magnificent Creator, made in His image, fearfully and wonderfully molded into a person to bear the image of God through your womb and to bring forth that fruit from your womb. Why then have we become so weak that we allow others to vandalize our wombs? You were created to birth! Unless you have a disease that 1% of the population has OR you have a severely mal-positioned baby (transverse), there is no reason for anyone to rob you or your baby of a healthy birth, with zero intervention, allowing only your body to make the adjustments needed to bring forth your baby. You are not weak so stop being weak! Stop forcing babies into the world, crying for drugs, and allowing people to fear you into traumatic birth situations. Fight for what's yours and fight for your Godly feminism! Own your conception, own your pregnancy, own your birth, own your post birth healing!
Men, you married your wife and took complete responsibility for her, to be her priest and the one who brings her to greatness. Why then are you rolling on your back in surrender to the first person who seeks to harm her in the name of "saving" her? Stand up and be a man! Question every authority you can. Never settle for what doesn't sit well in your being because that feeling of uncertainty, deep in the pit of your belly, the one that asks you to wonder if you just handed your wife to a butcher, is your discernment! It's crying out for you to say, "Stop! We are doing this and you aren't stopping us!" I remember, clear as day, when my midwife calmly said, "well, he's definitely a boy and he's definitely breech. What do you want to do?" Husband looked in my face, as seriously as he's ever looked at me, with authority and complete priesthood over me and said, "we are staying here and you are going to push this baby out, now!" In ten minutes, my breech baby came into the world without one tear and very little pain. And he was perfection! Was I a loud and crazy Amazonian woman? Absolutely! But I did it! Of all three, so far, he was my easiest and least painful birth. Let's face the facts: I am no stronger, braver, better, or more amazing than you! I am you! Because I was created by the same Creator and mothered from the same first mother! You deserve to hold the medal of the mother who stands on the Word of God as strength and faith that allows you to do amazing and unexplainable things! My husband exercised his call to have authority over me and commanded me to do what he knows our God has called me to do because he seeks to challenge me to greatness!
My goal in life is not to raise children to desire high paying, upper level jobs. Although I work hard to school them and challenge them in their studies, I don't even desire them to higher education if they don't desire that. My desire through the perfect will of God, is to raise warriors for the Kingdom, who seek to serve and love The Lord with all of their hearts, be true Godly spouses and parent children with the same values of a Godly standard. If I raise poor missionaries, I care not because I have raised warriors for Christ who fall on their face daily before the throne of a King, knowing they fall short and only He can lift them up and set them on the path to righteousness. I am a far cry from anything resembling perfect and I am more than grateful because I have the profound privilege of falling on my face in humility before my King, seeking greatness in my life as a wife and mother! Is there anything more precious or worthy of seeking than that? Lord, I pray not!
**it is my deepest burden to convey that I stand not in judgement of anyone and their choices if they truly feel they are lead by God in them. It IS my desire to challenge you to think beyond what you have been "brainwashed" to believe by the world around you. Sometimes it takes going against the grain to discover your greatness. It is never too late to seek The Lord in repentance and stand firm in His Word. Daily I face condemnation for my choices and I so pray that in sharing my heart, others will be spared from the hurtful lies I have faced and spent countless amounts of time focusing on them. As I have matured in my life through seeking truth from the Book of Life, I have found peace in where God has placed me! One day, oh how I pray to be a midwife! But until my children are grown and embarking in their own lives I shall remain a steward to them because that is what God has asked of me!**
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